10 July 2022 (Colossians 2:15-20)

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(Please read the Scripture first)

My sisters and brothers,

Christ is the image of the invisible God.  We see God only when we see Christ.  If we see Christ, we see God. 

How do we see Christ?   Christ is the firstborn of the whole of creation.  The firstborn is like the rest of the born.  If we see the rest of the born, we see Christ who is the firstborn, and so we see really God.

No one is holy, not even the holy Virgin mother is like Christ, unless he or she is in the body of Christ.  Christ is the firstborn; the Virgin Mother and all the saints are second-born, like all of us.

Christ has the whole of creation in his hands.  He is Lord of all.  Heaven and earth have their foundation in Christ.  All the holiness of the saints has its holiness founded on Christ’s holiness.

Christ exists before everything else.  He has always existed and never has had a beginning.  We and the rest of creation exist in time, after the beginning.

Christ is with the Father and lives forever, dwelling in unapproachable light (above all light).  On the other hand, this Christ, with all his glory and majesty, is nonetheless at home with us.  He is of our family.   He is head and we are body.  Where the head is, there is the body, and where the body is there likewise is the head.

The Scriptures challenge us to see God in all women and men as images and likenesses of God in Christ.  Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelenskyy, our enemies and friends, refugees and immigrants, all those born in the image of Christ, who is the firstborn, all these can show us the image of God which is in Christ.

God had wanted us all to have the fulness of the firstborn Christ and to receive the fulness of peace in seeing God face to face.