15 December Luke 3: 10-18

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Please read the passage before the homily.

After the death of John the Baptist, his fame spread as far as Ephesus where Paul in his travels met some of John’ disciples. 

Jesus was a disciple of John as he began his work.  Jesus even continued John’s style of preaching after John’s arrest. John saw himself as one was getting people ready for Jesus.

This Gospel story tells us what kind of people came to John.  They were many we would classify as sinners, low class and unwanted people, the same kind of people who flocked to Jesus.  Luke shows us continuity in the work of John and Jesus.

John himself shows the same continuity.  He had come baptizing with water for the forgiveness of sins, but he said that Jesue would come baptizing with the Holy Spirit and fire.  John was preparing, Jesus was fulfilling.  Both preached good news, freedom from sin.

Bad news is preaching down on people’s sins; good news is proclaiming repentance and forgiveness.  As a people we tend to turn away strangers, people we have decided not to like, people seemingly different from ourselves, people we ignore or put at a distance.  As a people we tend to exclude those whom we do not know from our generosity and kindness.  We are more likely to dine with our family and friends than with the homeless and stranger in our midst.

There is good news, however, for the stranger, and good news for us.  We are all called to the forgiveness of sins and to welcome one another, because we once were strangers in a foreign land or place.  This is good news for us since God is calling us to the forgiveness of our sins, even our sins of selfishness and prejudice against others.

“What are we to do?” the people asked John.  John answered, “Whoever has two tunics ought to give one to one who has none, whoever has food should do the same.” However we collect more than our due, however we use others, however want more consideration for what we do, however we mistreat family and friends, John says, “Do not practice extorsion, do not falsely accuse anyone, be contend with your pay.”

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