18 October Luke 10:1-9

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Please read the passage before the homily.

In one sense the 70/72 are sent out into the whole world, and in another sense, we are being sent out as apostles.

The task is dangerous, like sheep versus wolves.  The task is also so urgent and pressing that we do not have time to pack.  The task is announcing peace as we walk with our companion and live among peoples, strangers, who have invited us into their homes and communities.  The task is important because the Kingdom of God is a hand.

The Lord appointed these seventy-two.  You have been appointed; I have been appointed.  Each and every one is appointed.  The did not appoint only the twelve whom he called apostles; he has also appointed each of us.

Our gospel is the gospel of peace.   It is stronger than wolves.  It is richer than having money.  It is stronger than any illness or sickness.  It is stronger than all the armies and all the battles of all the nations of all times.  The message of peace is that the Kingdom of God is at hand for us and them.

Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Hamas and all the other places in the world where people hate people and want them dead need this message of peace so that each of us can learn to approach strangers with the gifts of our peace mingled with Christ’s peace.