Please read the passage before reading the commentary
I know that the gospel speaks about doing things in secret, like giving alms, praying and fasting. On the other hand, I think we should have a big expansive party today. Why have a party? Because God has already forgiven our sins.
God has no before or after, no past and no future. God exists forever, always is and never was with being is, and never will be without still being is. God does not change. For this living forever means that for God the first day of creation is as present to God as the last day of creation, the first day of your life as also the last day of your life. Living in the perfect now is what we call God’s eternity.
We, however, live in time. For us, life and existence has a before, a present, and a future. For me this means that there was a time when I did not exist and a time for the end of my life on earth.
On God’s side, this means that from all eternity, God has forgiven all our sins. The forgiveness of our sins is always present to God, although we may not always see the forgiveness as present.
For God, then, looking out at the world, sees all sins forgiven. For us, however, we do not see this. We have our party and, in our rejoicing, and carrying on, we hope to see the eternal forgiveness of our sins made manifest to us in our eventual time.
Wear ashes, then today, not to proclaim your sinfulness and sorrow, but to proclaim the forgiveness that God has already granted you.
We greet you with ashes, saying, “Repent and believe in the Gospel,” which is the good news of our forgiveness. Receive and rejoice.
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