Homily: 29 March 2023: John 8:31-42

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Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. “Some Jews believed in Jesus”.   Generally speaking, the early believers in Jesus had good relations with the Jewish community.  In Jerusalem, they could frequent the Temple.  When it came to the siege … Continued

Homily: 27 March 2023: John 8:1-11

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Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. I do not know how the authorities could catch only one person in the “very act of committing adultery”.  The other person must have been invisible or jumped out the window when … Continued

El 26 de marzo 2023(Juan 4,5-42)

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Por favor, lean este pasaje antes.  Mis hermanas y hermanos En el domingo el 12 de marzo, el evangelio se leyó de la mujer samaritana cerca del pozo.  Ella confesó que Jesús era el Mesías.  En el domingo pasado (el … Continued

Homily 19 March 2023: John 4:5-42

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Please read this passage before reading the homily. My sisters and brothers, In Hebrew, a pool for ritual washing is called a mikveh.  There was in Jerusalem a mikveh called Siloam.  It is near the tunnel King Hezekiah dug to … Continued

El 19 de marzo 2023(Juan 4,5-42)

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Por favor, lean este pasaje antes.  Mis hermanas y hermanos Los judíos llaman una piscina para la purificación de sus impurezas, un miqvé.  Hay en Jerusalén un miqvé que se llamaba Siloé.  Este miqvé está cerca del túnel que el … Continued

Homily: 17 March 2023: Mark 12:28-34

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Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. Many times, when a scribe or learned person asked Jesus a question, it was to trap him.  This time, however, the scribe seems genuinely interested,  Jewish people of that day often discussed … Continued