Homily: 10 February 2023: Mark 7:31-37

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Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. What is the difference between magic and ritual?  Perhaps magic is using symbolic gesture and actions to cause something, and ritual is using relevant gestures and actions to explain something. In the … Continued

Homily: 6 February 2023: Mark 6:53-56

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Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. The first chapters of Mark have been describing a power struggle of Jesus with the devil.  In tis short passage we hear of Jesus’ movements around Galilee healing people.  He is beating … Continued

Homily: 1 February 2023: Mark 6:1-6

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Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. Jesus came to his native place.  He began to teach in their synagogue, and he astonished many with his wisdom and mighty deeds.  Jesus, however, had never gone to college or university … Continued