Homily: 16 May 2022: Acts 14:5-18

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(Please read the Scripture passage before the homily.) Three times Luke, who wrote both the Gospel according to Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, describes the healing of crippled people, one in the Gospel (5:17-26), two in Acts (3:1-10 … Continued

Homily: 13 May 2022: Acts 13:26-33

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(Please read the Scripture passage before the homily.) Paul was in Antioch in Pisidia.  This Antioch lay about 250 miles northwest from the Antioch on the Mediterranean Sea and about two hundred miles south of the Black Sea. Paul usually … Continued

Homily: 9 May 2022: Acts 11:1-8

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(Please read the Scripture passage before the homily.) Uh-oh, Peter is in trouble.  He has been rating and associating with Gentile, those vile people.  Why would the great Peter do such a sacrilegious thing? Peter has his reply.  He was … Continued

Homily: 4 May 2022: Acts 8:1b-8

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(Please read the Scripture passage before reading the homily.) A severe persecution of the Church in Jerusalem broke out.  People dragged people out of their homes.  This seems more like a riot or an action of a mob than a … Continued

Homily: 2 May 2022: Acts 6:8-15

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(Please read the Scripture passage before reading the homily.) The United States is not a unity without diversity.  Indigenous peoples, citizens, refugees, green card holders; Christians, Jewish people, Muslims, peoples from Asia, Africa, Oceania, people of different sexual expressions.  Ours … Continued