Homily: 8 November: Luke 17:1-6

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(Please read the scripture passage before reading the homily. Luke wrote his account of the Gospel so that he could apply the words and deeds of the Lord to situations in his community.  He could readily admit that sin did … Continued

Homily: 3 November: Luke 14:25-33

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(Please read the Scripture passage before reading the homily.) Consider well what you are doing.  If you are a candidate for public office, can you defeat your opponent?  If you have a business, can you pay for the special equipment … Continued

Homily: 1 November: Matthew 5:1-12a

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(Please read the Scripture passage before reading the homily.) The name of the religion the Muslims practice is called Islam.  The name means submission, which gives peace.  The summary of the eight Beatitudes is submission.  I think that most other … Continued

Homily: 29 October: Luke 14:1-6

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(Please read the Scripture passage before reading the homily.) On Monday we had a passage from Luke’s gospel account about healing a woman.  Today we have one about a cure of a man.  Luke likes to put opposites together.  The … Continued