Homily: 13 August: Matthew 19:3-12

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-(Please read the Scripture passage before reading the homily.) Recently in Finland archaeologists discovered a thousand-year-old grave of a (perhaps) female warrior.  They did a DNA study and discovered that the person had xxy chromosomes.  This known as Klinefelter Syndrome … Continued

Homily: 09 August: Matthew 17:22-27

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(Please read the Scripture passage before reading the homily.) Perhaps you have seen or actually have a bracelet with the lettering WWJD.  What Would Jesus Do?  The Gospels were written with the principle, WWJD, What Would Jesus Do?  IN other … Continued

Homily: 02 August: Matthew 14:13-21

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(Please read the Scripture passage before reading the homily.) Jesus saw a vast crowd.  For us, this would be an occasion to preach the word.  Jesus, however, cured the sick instead.  Then he fed them.  These actions were a better … Continued

Homily: 28 July: Matthew 13:44-46

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(Please read the Scripture passage before reading the homily.) The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure found in a field and like a pearl of great value.  Many times Jesus seems to have told double parables, each emphasizing the … Continued