Homily 23 August, Matthew 20:1-16

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Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. We are all grumblers.  We have grumbled when our supervisors were mean lor when a lazy coworker was promoted before us. The Israelites grumbled against God and Moses many times in the … Continued

El 20 de agosto 2023(Mateo 15:21-28)

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Por favor, lean este pasaje antes.  Mis hermanas y hermanos, La mujer cananea era natural de los cananeos anteriores que vivían en Israel antes de los israelitas.  Vivía cerca de Tiro y Sidón, que hoy es el territorio del Líbano.  … Continued

Homily 18 August, Matthew 19:3-12

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Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. Moses allowed for divorce.  One school of thought taught that if the wife burnt the potatoes, the husband could divorce her.  Another school taught that only adultery committed by the wife was … Continued