Homily: 5 May 2023: John 14:1-6

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Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. In my Father’s house there are many dwellings. At one time we used to think that only people in our own group would go to heaven.  Baptists, Catholic, Hindus, and each group … Continued

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Homily 30 April 2023: John 10:1-10 Please read this passage before reading the homily. My sisters and brothers, Jesus is shepherd of his sheep.  He is likewise the door to the sheepfold.  Jesus is the shepherd who is likewise the … Continued

El 30 de abril 2023(Juan 10:1-10)

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Por favor, lean este pasaje antes.  Mis hermanas y hermanos Jesús es pastor de las ovejas.  Jesús también es la puerta del redil.  Jesús es pastor que es también puerta y Jesús es puerta que es también pastor para las … Continued

Homily: 24 April 2023: John 6:22-29

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Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. This passage follows on John’s account of the multiplication of the leaves and Jesus’ walking on the sea.  The people are looking for Jesus.  They have searched locally for him without fining … Continued