Homily: 1 December: Isaiah 25:6-10a

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                           (Please read the scripture passage before reading the homily.)

When we celebrate a new President, we have inauguration balls, with plenty of food and drink of all kinds and with no expense spared.  True, only a few receive invitations, but it is a splendid occasion.

When the Lord of hosts celebrates his coronation, the Lord likewise has a splendid feast, not for a few chosen people, but for all peoples.  He will provide a feast of rich food and choice wines.  He will also destroy death forever.

Isaiah lived in anticipation of this day.  In his day, there were many wars and many other deaths.  Who would not have yearned for a time of peace and life?  Isaiah, however, could see the hand of the Lord at work.  He could see that it would be God who would save the people.

In our day there are many wars, many acts of violence, much upheaval.  We yearn for a time of peace when we can live without fear.  We yearn for the day of that great banquet with the Lord sitting in his throne and ourselves sitting with him.  When will Isaiah’s vision come true for us?

Those of us who have dominance over others, feast on rich food and fine drink while many in our country and world do not have enough to eat.  We have the power to eat as if we own the whole world, but the fruits of the earth belong to all people, not just the rich.

If one of us should have more money than needed and another of us has need of more money, then the money needed belongs to the one who needs it.  This is the meaning of the life of Christ.  Christ always has a banquet ready for him in heaven, but he emptied himself, taking the form of a poor human so that he could enrich us poor humans by his wealth.  It is this sharing of his riches with us that we celebrate in the Advent-Christmas mystery.

This is emphasized by a passage from Matthew’s Gospel (15:29-37), where Jesus feeds the multitude with seven loaves and a few fish.  His feeding of the crowd on the mountain is the Lord God feeding his people on the mountain of the Lord of hosts in the prophecy of Isaiah.  When we feed others, we are making the prophecy of Isaiah and the example of the Lord present in our own day.

Today, we shall have many opportunities to share what we have with those who have not.  Whether we share money, hospitality, meals, time, expertise, talent, or some other gift we have, we are fulfilling prophecy and make Christ present in our world and we are wiping away tears, bringing like and destroying death in some way.   We own the mountain, therefore let us share the banquet of the mountain.