Homily: 11 January 2023: Mark 1:29-39

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Please read the Scripture passage before the homily.

It all happened in one chapter, not in one day, but in the first chapter.  Jesus had called his first four disciples, he had taught and healed in a synagogue.  Then he healed Peter’s mother-in-law, rested for the Sabbath, healed some more people and got up early the next morning.

There was a lot of action in the first chapter, but it was not nervous or anxious energy.  It had a purpose.  Jesus himself had said that preaching in synagogues was what he had been sent to do.

We already know from the first sentence of the gospel who Jesus is, what his identity is.  He is the Son of God.  What we have to find out is how he is the Son of God.  Ultimately it will be through the passion, death and resurrection.  From today’s reading, we can learn that the demons knew who Jesus was.  What we have to learn is how he is the Son of God.

I have this picture of Peter’s mother-in-law.  She found fulfillment in hospitality.  When Peter came with his friends, she would have been disappointed not to be able to wait on them.  When Jesus healed her, she was able to return to her normal routine and entertain the family and guests.

Jesus preached in the synagogues, cured the sick, expelled demons, prayed and visited people in their homes.  All these things showed how Jesus as the Son of God.