Homily 12 July 2023, Matthew 10:1-7

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Please read the Scripture passage before the homily.

Matthew lists the names of the twelve apostles.  Two sets of brothers head the list, Simon Peter and Andrew, and James and John.  Judas Iscariot always comes at the end of the list.

They number twelve, one for each tribe of the Israelites.  They make up in a way the newly-restored tribes of Israel.  Jesus is sending them out to call the whole of Israel back into complete union with God.  Jesus is sending them out, then, to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.  The time for going out beyond the tribes of Israel will be after the resurrection.

They will go out with authority over unclean spirits and over every disease and every illness.

That was then; this is now.  We still have the same goals, cast out unclean spirits, the heal sickness and disease, and proclaim the Kingdom of Heaven.  Call no town Samaritan and no territory pagan.  Call no one sinner or cursed, no one unloved by God and us.  The Kingdom is not a democracy but welcomes all peoples and all have the same even chance to enter.  It is time for each of us to go out on this mission to gather all God’s sheep together.