Homily: 14 December 2022: Luke 7:18B-23

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Please read the Scripture passage before the homily.

The prophet Isaiah quotes God as saying, “I am he; there is no other than I.  I create everything (see Is. 45:6c-8).”

John the Baptist sent messengers to Jesus to ask if Jesus were the One who was to come.  Luke described the answer Jesus gave by recounting all the creative actions of Jesus in curing diseases, cleansing lepers, give sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf, raising from the dead, and proclaiming the good news to the poor.  Jesus did not say, “I am God”, but he demonstrated what only God could do by giving life to the sick, the suffering and the dead.

We suppose that this answered John’s question for him.  We do know that shortly after this episode, Jesus praises John the Baptist and the work he did.

For our world, the place where we live, move, and have our being, we are the ones sent to continue the work of Jesus.  Should others ask us if we are the ones to come, they should know from what we do that we are the ones God has anointed and sent into the world.

I write this, not to make us feel good, but to encourage us.  We are chosen by God to continue the earthly ministry of Jesus by the life-giving things we do.  Where Jesus walks, peace comes; where we walk in the name of Jesus, peace should likewise come.  If we are preparing for Christmas, our presents to others is to make Christ present to them.  We do not do this with gret fanfare because usually our work is quiet and unnoticed.

Our work is for God, who alone creates and who alone is God and here is no other than he.  The one God, however, calls us into service so that God can be present through us.