Homily: 17 July 2022: Colossians 1:4-28

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Please read the passage before reading the homily.

The word Church has two important meanings.  It is the totality of those who believe in Christ, that is, the Church universal under the leadership of the Apostles.  It is likewise the local community of believers, such as the Church of God in Corinth, with its bishop.  In our reading for today, Church stands for the totality of the church, which is the body of Christ.

We likewise use the term with the same two meanings.  The archdiocese of Cincinnati is our particular Church, but it is part of the universal Church with Pope Francis.  The local Church is subdivided into smaller parts, such as our parish church.  Our parish church is that of Queen of Peace with Father Moss as pastor.  There are also patriarchal churches, such as the Roman Church, the Eastern Church of Constantinople and the Coptic Church of Alexandria.

We can also find the church in our families.  Each family makes up a “house church” for its members.  Then, all the house churches make up the parish church. The parish churches make up the local church or diocese with its bishop.  All the dioceses make up the universal church.

No one can be church by himself of herself.  The Pope needs the rest of us.  One Christians needs the rest of the Christians.  The body of Christ has many parts.

The mystery we celebrate is Christ in all of you.  It is not the mystery of Christ in one of you, but in all of you.  We are Christians is a community, not in one person, male or female.  The mystery in the Church is God’s plan to save all of us.  This mystery is our hope for God’s glory.  This hope of glory is for each one of us because it is for all of us.