Homily: 17 November: Luke 19:11-28

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(Please read the scripture passage before reading the homily.)

Herod the great had a reputation.  He had wealth enough to brag about cold coins being a “little amount”, like pocket change.  He was the kind to favor those who could make his assets increase a thousand percent over those who tried to be honest, and he had the ability to be as dishonest as possible to become the richest of the rich.  He would make a good example for the parable Jesus told in today’s passage of dedication to a cause. 

We would choose similarly famous people as examples today of people unafraid of nothing to increase their wealth.  We have herd of some politicians, entertainers, inventors and corporate executives as people who seem ready to increase their standing at the expense of others.

Jesus did not name an individual, but he described someone with whom many people could identify.  He described a person, not to encourage us to take advantage of others, but to urge us to have the same zeal for God that the person described in the parable had for his own advantage.

We do not have to cheat to get into the kingdom, but we must make the growth of the kingdom of God our number one priority over all other concerns, just as the rich man in the parable made getting his own advantage his number one priority.

How eager are we to promote the agenda of Christ?  Without double-dealing, without using people, without deceit, without lies, without manipulation, we must use sincerity, truth, humility, meekness, kindness, love, and charity to pursue the work God has for us to do.

If we want the prized position, we must put all we have into it.