Homily: 17 September: Luke 8:1-3

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(Please read the Scripture passage before reading the homily.

The newspapers of Jerusalem in the early 30s carried the news of Jesus Christ on a daily basis.  But none caused as much consternation as the one that proclaimed the great scandal!  It was reported that Jesus had women travelling with him in his entourage.  Some of these women were known by reputation or hearsay, such as Mary from Magdala and the wife of Herod’s chief of staff.  Women with a travelling rabbi without their husbands or guardians could be a great scandal.

Rabbis had women who provided for their needs, but they did not travel with these women.  Romans also had women of great social standing, but these did not escort men in public.

Jesus, however, welcomed both men and women in his group.  He even used women to carry the news of his resurrection to his male disciples.  Women had an important place in the ministry of Jesus and still have important places in the church of today.  Pope Francis, reading the Sacred Scriptures well, has opened to women some official positions in the ministry of the Church.  I think that we shall see more and more official women ministers in the Church in the next hundred years.

The fact that Jesus accepted women into his entourage, should be a challenge to us in the Church.  Women form important parts in our families, and among our relatives and friends.  Our attitude towards women in ministry may very well be tied up in how men relate to women in our society.  If women and men accept each other with dignity and respect in our culture a222nd society, then women and men will work together more fruitfully in the Church.

Jesus’ attitude towards women should challenge us as men and women live together in the same society.