Homily: 20 February 2023: Mark 9:14-29

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Please read the Scripture passage before the homily.

Once upon a time, I served as a chaplain for a National Scout Jamboree.  One unit came in a night early and the Senior Patrol Leader was having trouble getting his troop to work together.  I took him aside and, among other things, said, “When you become an Eagle Scout, let me know” and I gave him my business card.  Years later, I did hear from him, and he had become an Eagle Scout..

There is a big difference between if and when.  If says perhaps you won’t, and when says that you will.  I opted to tell the Scout that he would become an Eagle Scout.  The father in today’s passage seems to be saying, “You probably cannot, but if you can, do something.”

Jesus objected to the man’s lack of trust and faith in God.  The disciples also needed to grow in faith.  They said, “We could not do it; we are afraid of the devil.”  Did no one believe in the power of Jesus?   Yes, there was one, the unclean spirit.  He heard Jesus’ command and went out of the boy.

What about us?  Whose power seems to be keeping us from doing the good we have the power to do?  Are we thinking, “If I can” or “When I do”?  When we are people of prayer, we can come to God in confidence and use the power God has given us to take control of the situation.  With God, all things are possible.