Homily: 21 November 2022: Revelation 14:1-3,4b-5

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Please read the Scripture passage before the homily.

You know the sign of the beast.  It comes from Revelation 13:18; it is 666.  If the beast had a name or number, then the Lamb of God has his number and names, a far better name and number.

Those who have conquered and won the victory have the name of the Lamb and of the Father written on their foreheads.  The beast had a number, 666; the followers of the Lamb also have a number associated associated with them, 144,000.

The number 666 denotes complete imperfection because 6 is one less than seven, which was considered the perfect number.  The three sixes show the superlative, the most imperfect number. 

On the other hand, the followers of the Lamb have associated with them the number 144,000.  The three zeroes mark the superlative.  The 144 is 12 squared.  Twelve is six times two.  The number 144,000 turns the 666 on it head three times over superlatively and marks the victory of the Lamb over the beast.

The heavenly concert is a victory concert.  All the victorious followers of the Lamb have a part in the celebration.  All the heavens and the earth are joined in the c0nflict and are joined in the victory celebration.  Remember that the book of Revelation is a book written to strengthen the followers of Christ in their struggles; it is a book of victory.