Homily 25 June 2023:  Matthew 10:26-33

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Please read this passage before reading the homily.

My sisters and brothers,

Today Jesus tells us not to fear.  We ask, “Why not fear?” when we the terrific struggle we are up against because of the Gospel.  Jesus speaks of death, of destruction, and we are not to fear?

On the other hand, why fear?  Sparrows were used by the poor for meals, and Jesus says that God keeps track of each one even though they were worth about a nickel a dozen.

God also knows how many hairs each of us has on his or her head even if we have the bushiest head of hair ever seen.  God also cares about each one of them.

Why fear God?  Only God can destroy body and soul in Gehenna, but God will not destroy us in Gehenna, God may have the power to destroy, but God will not use that power.  We fear God, not because of what God can do, but rather we have a respecting fear called reverence for what God will not do.

Why fear?  We are worth more than many sparrows, more that all the hair on all the heads in the universe.  If God cares for sparrows and for hear, God cares even much more for you and for me.

We should not be afraid of acknowledging the heavenly Father before others.  When we acknowledge God, we have Jesus on our side.  Jesus has conquered temptation and death.  Jesus has made us sharers in thus conquest of temptation and death.  Why be afraid?  On our side is the Lord Jesus with all his power and might; on the other side is the devil whose big “brave” and would-be champion has already lost the contest and is in humiliating defeat.

We need not be afraid.  We may have studied the teachings, the life, and the strength of Jesus that we have received.  Now we can broadcast it; now we can use it publicly, now we can proclaim it to the housetops.  We need have no fear.