Please read the Scripture passage before the homily.
Let’s get rid of Putin and have a regime change in Russia. This would end the war in Ukraine once and for all. On the other hand, let us not get rid of him; we know him and we would not know his successor who might be worse.
Once upon a time there was a Theudas who pretended to be someone great. He was executed and his plans came to naught. One othere listerd Scripture pasag e before readoin gnt ehomily. time, there was a Judas the Galilean. He had many followers, but he died and his movement likewise died.
Gamaliel was highly respected Jewish rabbi. One of his pupils was Saul of Tarsus, better known as the apostle Paul. Gamaliel spoke up in the Sanhedrin in favor of letting the Jesus movement ride. Gamaliel was shrewd enough to know that only the movements inspired by God would survive.
Gamaliel succeeded in stopping the Sanhedrin from persecuting the apostles. Whether he became a Christian eventually we do not know. We can surmise that he was like the typical Jewish rabbi, rich in knowledge and wisdom, and open to the word of God.
Let’s go back to Vladimir Putin. First, we have no right to kill anyone; like belongs to God. Second, if Putin’s actions come from God, we will never be able to counter them. This, if we would put as much time in our lives criticizing ourselves as we do in wanting someone dead, we would have the world in better shape. We can pray for Putin, that God bless him and keep him. We ought not pray for his death nor plan his death.