Homily: 31 October 2022: Philippians 2:1-4

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Please read the Scripture passage before the homily.

Paul wrote to the Philippians.  He had been impeded from visiting them.  He may have been in prison.  He was concerned about problems in the community, problems that could have split the community.  One source of strife in any community is the pride that wants everything for self.  This was probably so among the Philippians.

It is also true among us.  It is election season for us.  The economy usually runs the elections.  If the economy is good, those in office get reelected; if it is bad, the challengers with probably get elected.  Paul would tell us not to vote pocketbooks but to vote on the basis of the common good, not regarding our own interests, but those of others.

Paul wanted his Christians to consider the importance of others over their own selfishness.   He wanted them united in mind and heart, not working out of vainglory.   He urged them to follow his example.  He said that if they really cared about him, looked up to him with respect and enjoyed his company and example, they should be of his mind.

It is probably a life-long struggle on the part of each of us to yield to the other.  We have struggled with this since we were infants.  It is the basis of our inner conflicts, our family problems, our social problems, and our national and international problems.  If there is any encouragement in Christ, any solace in love, any sharing of the Spirit, any compassion and mercy, complete your joy, the joy of each other, by being of the same mind with the same love, and look out for the interests of others.