Homily 5 July 2023, Matthew 8:28-34

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Please read the Scripture passage before the homily.

Two demoniacs met Jesus.  They came from the tombs, from the cemetery, from the place of the dead because, in a way, they were dead.

The demons spoke through the two men.  They recognized Jesus as Son of God.  They recognized Jesus although not even the disciples were ready to call Jesus Son of God.

There were pigs in the area, pigs, which Jewish people would not own or eat.  The pigs were a suitable place for the demons, but not for humans.  The demons entered the pigs and the pigs stampeded into the sea and drowned.

There were consequences of this interaction between Jesus and the demoniacs.  The men were healed.  The sea was polluted by the dead bodies of the pigs.  The owners of the pigs suffered financial hardship, especially if it were near Thanksgiving Day or Christmas.  The display of God’s power and might was overwhelming to the townspeople and they asked Jesus to leave them.

What happens when God shows up?  Things get shaken up, new challenges arise, and people have to readjust their thinking.  The townspeople had to clean up the debris, rethink their economics, welcome two mentally challenged people into their community and acknowledge their healing.

So, Christ is here in the proclamation of the Scripture and in the breaking of the bread of the Eucharist.  We are healed and have to leave our former ways of life behind.   No more can we do the deeds of darkness and death; we must be people of the light.  The task of the townspeople was daunting, and they asked Jesus to get out of their town.  Are we daunted and afraid?  The power lo Jesus cast out devils and healed the demoniac; the same power of God is with us to heal and strengthen us.  Let us not fear.