Homily: 5 May 2023: John 14:1-6

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Please read the Scripture passage before the homily.

In my Father’s house there are many dwellings.

At one time we used to think that only people in our own group would go to heaven.  Baptists, Catholic, Hindus, and each group had its own heaven and the rest had no heaven.

Since the Second Vatican Council, we have allowed Protestants to enter heaven.   We even allow that Jewish and Muslim people to get to heaven.  We may ask if there are any groups not invited into those many dwelling places in the Father’s house.

How about atheists and agnostics?  How about those Russians attacking Ukraine?  How about Chinese Communists?  How about mass murderers and those who commit hate crimes?  How about pedophiles, rapists, and sexual predators?  How about the many LBGT communities?  Is there any group not included in those many dwelling places?

If we exclude someone, do we not also risk excluding ourselves?  It is God’s mercy that includes us, and God’s mercy that includes everyone else.  If we exclude others, are we therefore thinking that we do not need the mercy of God?  All saints are saints because of God’s mercy.  We all fall short and need God’s mercy.  It is God’s mercy that includes all of us and therefore our mercy that must embrace everyone whom we meet.