Homily: 6 May 2022: Acts 9:1-20

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(Please read the Scripture passage before reading the homily.)

One of the earliest names for the Jesus movement was The Way.  One the early names for a street was Way.  People who are lost do not know the way or have lost their way.

Saul was still breathing threats against the disciples of the Lord.  His way of doing things was to get totally engrossed in what he was doing.  He went about hauling into jail those who belonged to the Way of Jesus.

He went to Damascus to hunt down those believers.  On his way there, he had a vision of the Lord Jesus that left him blind and unable to find his way.  His traveling companions led him into Damascus to the Straight-way street.  He was there when Ananias found him.

Ananias was sent by the Lord Jesus to show Saul the way he should be going.  He baptized Saul and removed the blindness from Saul’s eyes and Saul could see the way he ought to go.

There is a lot of talk about Way in this passage.  We can continue this train of thought.

While Saul had lost his way, God had a way to find him.  Who suggested the trip to Damascus?  Who formed Saul in the womb of his mother?  Why should God choose Saul?

The way of God is mercy.  Saul did not deserve being chosen by God.  Saul did not merit forgiveness of his sins.  He was a deserving as Judas, Julius Caesar, Bonaparte, Hitler, or any other notorious villain.  God’s way, however, is thr way of mercy.

All of us are like Saul, Caesar, Bonaparte, and Hitler.  It is only by God’s mercy that we are thrown down under God’s protection on our way to the Straight way street.  When we lose our way, God is there mercifully to straighten our Way to God.