Homily: 7 December 2022: Matthew 5:28-30

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Please read the Scripture passage before the homily.

Prophets have two tasks; they must threaten, and they must encourage.  They call people back from their sins so that they do not suffer the consequences, and they must encourage when the consequences happen to them.  The prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures and the prophets of the Greek Scriptures (aka, the Old and New Testaments) have the same two tasks.

Isaiah, for instance, had to call the king and his people back to allegiance to God so that they would not experience the alternative, exile from their homeland.  When the king and people did not listen, they went into exile in Babylon, and there, the prophet had to encourage them.  He proclaimed the splendid wonder of his God’s might and this God’s desire and power to save and rescue the people.

Jesus, for another example, threatened and consoled.  Just before the reading we had today, Jesus had just condemned the cities where most of his miracles had been done.  In today’s reading, he strengthened those who had labored and were burdened; he promised them rest from their labors.

The two readings go together very well.  The great and mighty God, who could and would bring his people back from the death of exile, is the same God will give rest to the weary.

Here we are, preparing for Christmas, worrying about buying presents and decorating trees and buildings.  Here we are, crushed by sin and struggling to “be good”, as Christmas seems to rush upon us.  What do we have to leave behind?  From what do need to rest from?  What yoke do we want the mighty One of Israel to remove from us?  How can we take a break and recall the might and wonderful deeds of this mighty God?