Homily: 9 December 2022: Matthew 11:16-19

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Please read the Scripture passage before the homily.

God is like a game-emcee for children’s games.  His play list includes wedding marches and dances as well as funeral processions.  His list includes all genres of activity from old to new.  God invites us into the game and calls us to our plazas and parks, but we, like children, find God’s leadership bor-ing.

John came like a saxophone playing the latest dance music, and he was considered old hat.  Jesus came with his roadies and painted bus, and he was considered the friend of the wrong kind of people.

It is for us to go where God would have us go because wisdom is vindicated by her works.  We come and go, hither and yon, willy-nilly, following our whims and forsaking our wisdom. 

The Scriptures, instead, find wisdom by letting God direct our lives.  God’s game plan includes enjoyment and excitement and is never bor-ing.  Jesus comes into our games in our plazas and parks and puts new life into them.