Please read this passage before reading the homily.
My sisters and brothers,
We know the Scriptures. Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt through the desert to the Promised Land. The Lord went before the Israelites in a column of cloud to show them the way (Exodus 13:21). Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and the Lord drove back the sea and turned the sea into dry ground (14:21). The Lord made bread rain down from heaven for the Israelites (16:15-18). The Lord made water flow from the rock in Horeb for the people to drink (17:6).
For St Paul, the time the Israelites spent in the desert was a model for the Christians in their life. The life of Christians is hard. The interventions of the Lord on behalf of the Israelites prefigured the presence of Christ in the sacraments in our life.
St Paul saw our baptism and Eucharist in the water and manna of the desert.
The primary purpose of Lent is the initiation of new Christians into the Church through the reception of baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil. Lent looks forward to the birth of new Christians at the Easter Vigil.
For us who have already received these sacraments, Lent looks forwards to the renewal of the promises of our baptism. The Easter Vigil is the official anniversary of our baptism. Lent is Baptismal.
Life is hard; Lent is hard, as the desert was for the Israelites. God and Christ are with us, feeding us and nourishing us through our baptism and eucharist.
The Israelites in the desert were not always faithful to the Lord. St Paul writes us so that we learn and be careful not to fall.