8 May 2020: Homily on Acts (13:26-33) (including Acts 13:13-25, 44-52):
“When Paul came to Antioch…” Thus begins the first reading today. It is part of a story that began yesterday and will end tomorrow. I suggest that you read the whole story before continuing the homily. If you do not, … Continued
6 May 2020: Homily on Acts (12:24-13:5a):
I wrote about a Board of Directors Monday. That was not a Board of Directors as we know them. We could also speak of a Board of Director in today’s reading. This board, however, had a different agenda and a … Continued
4 May 2020: Homily on Acts 11:1-18):
Apparently the Board of Directors had a meeting. It called their number one point guy on the carpet. It said, “We have heard you have been hobnobbing with the uncircumcised Gentiles. What is the meaning of this behavior?” So Peter … Continued
Una homilia para el 3 de mayo: 1 Pedro 2, 20-25
Mis hermanos y hermanas, La primera carta de san Pedro dice, “Cristo sufrió por nosotros.” ¿Qué quiere indicar la palabra “por”? Lo puede indicar relaciones de sustitución o intercambio. Cristo sufrió por nosotros. Cristo se cambió por nosotros. Nosotros deberíamos … Continued
Homily for 03 May 2020 Fourth Sunday of Easter 1 Peter 2:20-25
The first letter of Peter says, “Christ suffered for us.” What does the word “for” mean? It can say Christ substituted himself for us or changed places with us, as in “Christ suffered in place of us”. We ought to … Continued
1 May 2020: Homily on Acts 9:1-20 (Blog 1):
God told Jonah to go to Nineveh and there proclaim the word of the Lord. So Jonah went on board a ship in the opposite direction, towards Tarshish, or Spain. He was not doing what God had commanded him to … Continued
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