13 September Luke 6:20-26
Please read the passage before the homily. Matthew’s sermon is called the Sermon on the Mount; Luke’s could be called the Sermon on the Plain. Matthew uses the third person, “Blessed are they” while Luke uses the second person, “Blessed … Continued
11 September Luke 6:6-11
Please read the passage before the homily. When you have paparazzi following you, you know you are popular. The scribes and Pharisees are paparazzi for Jesus. He had become popular, so the reporters went out to follow him and take … Continued
Homily 10 September 2023: Matthew 18:15-20
Please read this passage before reading the homily. My sisters and brothers, I find this Gospel hard to comment on. The desert fathers were the ancient holy ones who preferred to spend their lives in deserts than in the cities. … Continued
El 10 de septiembre 2023(Mateo 18,15-20)
Por favor, lean este pasaje antes. Mis hermanas y hermanos, Una vez en la historia de la Iglesia, existían los Padres del Desierto. Eran los que preferían vivir en el desierto más que en las ciudades. Una vez, el anciano … Continued
Homily: 6 September, Luke 4:38-41
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. It is Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt through the Red Sea to the freedom of the desert. It is the Allies pushing the enemy back in the Battle of the … Continued
Homily: 4 September, Luke 4:16-30
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. We begin a series of readings from the gospel according to Luke. Luke seems to be writing primarily to Gentile Christians. He has a way of bring Gentiles into the scope of … Continued
Homily 3 September 2023: Matthew 16:21-27
Please read this passage before reading the homily. My sisters and brothers, Jesus founded his Church on the rock of Simon Peter’s faith. Jesus had given Simon the name Peter. Peter is the English form of the name, derived from … Continued
El 3 de septiembre 2023(Mateo 16:21-27)
Por favor, lean este pasaje antes. Mis hermanas y hermanos, Jesús edificó su Iglesia sobre la piedra de la fe de Simón Pedro. Jesús había cambiado el nombre de Simón a Pedro, que significa piedra. Entonces Pedro es la piedra … Continued
Homily 1 September, Matthew 25:1-13
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. What if all the virgins or maids of honor had brought enough oil with them? What if the five who had brought oil had shared with the other five? What if your … Continued
Homily 30 August, Matthew 23:27-32
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. Monuments are ambiguous. They can demand our respect, but they can also accuse us or demand action of us. We tend to mark graves so that we can avoid walking over them. … Continued