El 30 de julio 2023(Mateo 13:44-52)
Por favor, lean este pasaje antes. Mis hermanas y hermanos, Mi papá encontraba su riqueza en los Grandes Lagos y en Ohio encontró su tesoro en sus doce niños y su esposa. Yo también encuentro mi tesoro por el ejemplo … Continued
Homily 28 July 2023, Matthew 13:18-23
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. We may have a problem here. Earlier in chapter 13 we learned that the word of God, like good seed, would sprout and grow in great quantities. We may be asking why … Continued
Homily 26 July 2023, Matthew 13:1-9
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. It is normal for grain in a field to sprout more than one shoot per seed. It is a natural process called tillering. One can see it at work in freshly planted … Continued
24 July 2023, Matthew 12:38-42
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. Jesus answered the scribes and the Pharisees. He said, “You want a sign? You will have a sign. Jonah spent three days and three nights in the belly of a whale. I … Continued
Homily 23 July 2023: Matthew 13:24-43
Please read this passage before reading the homily. My sisters and brothers, Wait, wait, wait. A sower sowed good seed in his field and waited for the harvest. He had an enemy, however, who planted weeds among the wheat. The … Continued
Homily 21 July 2023, Matthew 12:1-8
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. This is a story about the yoke of Jesus being light. The disciples are hungry. They glean some grain in the field: they took and ate. They were technically not allowed to … Continued
Homily 19 July 2023, Matthew 11:25-27
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. This sounds like a passage from John’s Gospel. Jesus praises his Father in front of his disciples. The Son praises the Father for sharing everything that the Father has with the Son. … Continued
Homily 16 July 2023: Matthew 13:1-9
Please read this passage before reading the homily. My sisters and brothers, Is God dead? Is the world going to end soon? Do we have to be afraid coming doom? “Once a sower went out to sow.” It is the … Continued
El 16 de julio 2023(Mateo 13:1-9)
Por favor, lean este pasaje antes. Mis hermanas y hermanos, ¿Es Dios muerto? ¿Va el mundo a destruirse pronto? ¿Tenemos que aterrarnos de la suerte segura? “Una vez salió un sembrador a sembrar.” Es la palabra de Dios que se … Continued
Homily 17 July 2023, Matthew 10:34-11:1
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. How does one make a cup of cold water? We would put it in a refrigerator to make it cold. On the other hand, what is the difference between a cup of … Continued