24 July 2023, Matthew 12:38-42

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Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. Jesus answered the scribes and the Pharisees.  He said, “You want a sign?  You will have a sign.  Jonah spent three days and three nights in the belly of a whale.  I … Continued

Homily 19 July 2023, Matthew 11:25-27

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Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. This sounds like a passage from John’s Gospel.  Jesus praises his Father in front of his disciples.  The Son praises the Father for sharing everything that the Father has with the Son. … Continued

El 16 de julio 2023(Mateo 13:1-9)

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Por favor, lean este pasaje antes.  Mis hermanas y hermanos, ¿Es Dios muerto?  ¿Va el mundo a destruirse pronto?  ¿Tenemos que aterrarnos de la suerte segura? “Una vez salió un sembrador a sembrar.” Es la palabra de Dios que se … Continued