Homily 14 July 2023, Matthew 10:16-23
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. Wolves have a bad name. They readily eat livestock if the owners let them have it. They help keep a balance in the wildlife population. They are making a comeback in many … Continued
Homily 12 July 2023, Matthew 10:1-7
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. Matthew lists the names of the twelve apostles. Two sets of brothers head the list, Simon Peter and Andrew, and James and John. Judas Iscariot always comes at the end of the … Continued
Homily 9 July 2023: Matthew 10:37-42
Please read this passage before reading the homily. My sisters and brothers, In today’s Reading, Jesus speaks, first to his Father, then to us. He praises the Father because his Father has shown great care for the little ones. This … Continued
El 9 de julio 2023(Mateo 11:25-30)
Por favor, lean este pasaje antes. Mis hermanas y hermanos, En el evangelio de hoy, Jesús habla, primero a su Padre, después a nosotros. Da gracias a su Padre porque su Padre mostró su preocupación para los pequeños. Eso es … Continued
Homily 7 July 2023, Matthew 9:9-13
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. Jesus called Matthew, a tax collector, somebody targeted by the community as a turncoat and a sinner. Mark and Luke call him Levi. Jesus called and Matthew responded quickly. Matthew celebrated his … Continued
Homily 5 July 2023, Matthew 8:28-34
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. Two demoniacs met Jesus. They came from the tombs, from the cemetery, from the place of the dead because, in a way, they were dead. The demons spoke through the two men. … Continued
Homily 3 July 2023, John 20:24-29
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. The Roman Church celebrates the Apostle Thomas on the third of July. Thomas was absent when the Jesus had appeared to the rest of the Twelve on the day Christ rose from … Continued
Homily 2 July 2023: Matthew 10:37-42
Please read this passage before reading the homily. My sisters and brothers, Jesus lived with his parents obediently until he was about thirty years old. Eventually he left home and began to preach. His calling by God was that he … Continued
El 2 de julio 2023(Mateo 10:37-42)
Por favor, lean este pasaje antes. Mis hermanas y hermanos, Jesús crecía bajos sus padres hasta que tenía unos treinta años. Después se fue de la casa de su familia para andar sin hogar cerca de las poblaciones proclamando la … Continued
Homily 30 June 2023, Matthew 8:1-4
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. Mythologies are not about pagan gods and goddesses. They are about the deep truths of reality, creation and life. The mythology of the first chapters of Genesis tells us the God created … Continued