Homily: 3 April 2023: John 12:1-11

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Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. On April 4, 1974, a huge tornado struck Xenia, Ohio.  For many weekends, it was hard to clean up because many sightseers would drive through town looking at the destruction.  Jesus raised … Continued

El 2 de abril 2023(Mateo 26,14-27,66)

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Por favor, lean este pasaje antes.  Mis hermanas y hermanos “Crucifícalo!”  Hemos oído esta palabra y tal vez la dijéramos hoy dramáticamente. ¿Qué asesinaron a Jesús?  Los soldados romanos lo ejecutaron y, entonces, lo mataron.  En otra manera Jesús mismo … Continued

Homily: 29 March 2023: John 8:31-42

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Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. “Some Jews believed in Jesus”.   Generally speaking, the early believers in Jesus had good relations with the Jewish community.  In Jerusalem, they could frequent the Temple.  When it came to the siege … Continued

Homily: 27 March 2023: John 8:1-11

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Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. I do not know how the authorities could catch only one person in the “very act of committing adultery”.  The other person must have been invisible or jumped out the window when … Continued