Homily: 16 December 2022: John 5:33-36
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. Who was John the Baptist is one of the concerns of the Scriptures, especially two weeks before Christmas. Oday’s reading shows us John as a witness to Christ, but his testimony was … Continued
Homily: 14 December 2022: Luke 7:18B-23
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. The prophet Isaiah quotes God as saying, “I am he; there is no other than I. I create everything (see Is. 45:6c-8).” John the Baptist sent messengers to Jesus to ask if … Continued
Homily: 12 December 2022: Luke 1:39-47
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. I think of the story of how David brought the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem. The ark contained the word of God, inscribed on the two tablets of stone in the … Continued
Homily 11 December 2022: Matthew 11:2-11
Please read this passage before reading the homily. John started is career by proclaiming in the desert the need for repentance. He was arrested because the authorities did not like his message. He had baptized Jesus in the course of … Continued
El 11 de diciembre 2022 (Mateo 11:2-11)
Mis hermanas y hermanos, Juan el Bautista comenzó a predicar en el desierto de Judea y acudían a oírlo los habitantes de Jerusalén y toda la región. Se arrestó porque las autoridades no querían su mensaje. Bautizó a Jesús y … Continued
Homily: 9 December 2022: Matthew 11:16-19
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. God is like a game-emcee for children’s games. His play list includes wedding marches and dances as well as funeral processions. His list includes all genres of activity from old to new. … Continued
Homily: 7 December 2022: Matthew 5:28-30
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. Prophets have two tasks; they must threaten, and they must encourage. They call people back from their sins so that they do not suffer the consequences, and they must encourage when the … Continued
Homily: 5 December 2022: Luke 5:17-26
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. One day Jesus was teaching. Even Pharisees and teachers were listening to him; there was no hostility present. Some men brought a man with paralysis. They thought nothing of tearing apart the … Continued
Homily 4 December 2022: Matthew 3:1-12
Please read this passage before reading the homily. Today we meet John the Baptist. With words from the prophet Isaiah, John begins his mission to the people of Israel. Isaiah’s words announced the end of the Exile; the people could … Continued
El 4 de diciembre 2022 (Mateo 3,1-12)
Por favor, lean este pasaje antes. Mis hermanas y hermanos, Hoy conocimos a Juan el Bautista. Con las palabras del profeta Isaías, Juan entraba a su misión del pueblo de Israel. Las palabras de Isaías anunciaron el fin del exilio; … Continued