Homily: 18 November 2022: Revelation 10:8-11
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. Take the scroll and eat the scroll. The word of God makes a meal for us. It is honey in the mouth and upsetting in the stomach. We hear the word, but … Continued
Homily: 16 November 2022: Revelation 4:-11
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. In John’s visions, he sees a door open to heaven. The struggles, persecutions and the deaths of Christians have reached the throne of God in heaven. It is as if the throne-room … Continued
Homily: 14 November 2022: Revelation 1:1-4; 2:1-5
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. We begin a series of readings from the book of Revelation. Note that the name is Revelation, not Revelations, singular not plural. The Greek name of the book is Apocalypse. It is … Continued
Homily: 13 November 2022: 2 Thessalonians 3:7-12
Please read this passage before reading the homily. St Paul was praising the Thessalonian Christians. He wrote this letter to encourage them to continue their good works. On the other hand, there were some problems: some of the Christians did … Continued
El 13 de noviembre 2022 (2 Tesalonicenses 3:7-12)
Por favor, lean este pasaje antes. Mis hermanas y hermanos, San Pablo alababa de sus tesalonicenses cristianos. Escribió esta carta para animarlos a continuar hacer sus buenas obras. Al otro lado había unos problemas: unos cristianos no querían trabajar. ¿Porque … Continued
Homily: 11 November 2022: 2 John 4-9
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. John writes to the Chosen Lady. He is referring to the Church. In many ancient languages, the word for church was considered a feminine noun. He refers to her children, the people … Continued
Homily: 9 November 2022: 1 Corinthians 3:9c-11, 16-17
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. The reading makes two statements, that we are God’s building, and that Paul laid the foundation. There is not more than one house of God, and we all called to live in … Continued
Homily: 7 November 2022: Titus 1:1-9
Please read the Scripture passage before the homily. There is no lost document that describes how Jesus set up his Church. He did not tell Peter to go to Rome and call himself Pope. He did not instruct the Apostles … Continued
Homily: 6 November 2022: 2 Timothy 4:16-3:5
Please read this passage before reading the homily. In this letter to the Thessalonians, St Paul makes three points. God has arranged all kinds of good deeds and words for the Thessalonians. God will likewise protect them from bad people. … Continued
El 06 de noviembre 2022 (2 Tesalonicenses 2:16-3:5)
Por favor, lean este pasaje antes. Mis hermanas y hermanos, En esta carta a los tesalonicenses, San Pablo hace tres preguntas. (1) Dios despuso a los tesalonicenses a toda clase de obras buenas y de buenas palabras. (2) Dios también … Continued