Homily: 29 July 2022: Jeremiah 26: 1-9
(Please read the Scripture passage before the homily.) Why does God send prophets? To give the people an opportunity to listen and turn back to God so that God in turn repent of the evil God otherwise would have inflicted … Continued
Homily: 27 July 2022: Jeremiah 15: 16-21
(Please read the Scripture passage before the homily.) Jerusalem and the Jewish people were on the verge of collapse and exile. Jeremiah could see this. The Lord seemed to be pushing Jeremiah to preach that, but Jeremiah was for resisting … Continued
Homily: 25 July 2022: 2 Corinthians 4:7-15
(Please read the Scripture passage before the homily.) The deepest longings we have is treasure, but treasure in earthen vessels. This is true of our faith as well as of our talents. St Paul speaks of himself as an earthen … Continued
Homily: 24 July 2022: Colossians 2:12-14
Please read the passage before reading the homily. We blame Adam for our death. He sinned and taught us to sin. Because of his sin, we have to die. We have inherited the sin and death of Adam somehow or … Continued
El 24 de julio 2022 (colosenses 2,12-14)
Por favor, lean este pasaje antes. Mis hermanas y hermanos, Culpamos a Adán por nuestra muerte. Él pecó y nos enseñó a pecar. Por su pecado, necesitamos morir. Heredamos el pecado y la muerte de Adán de algún modo u … Continued
Homily: 22 July 2022: 2 Corinthians 5:14-17
(Please read the Scripture passage before the homily.) We take a moment to remember Mary Magdalene, whom we can call the apostle to the apostles because she brought the news of Christ’s resurrection to the apostles. Our reading today speaks … Continued
Homily: 20 July 2022: Jeremiah 1:1,4-10
(Please read the Scripture passage before the homily.) Meet Jeremiah. Like Moses, he exercised his ministry for about forty years. While Moses led his people into the Promised Land, Jeremiah went with his people into exile from the Promised Land. … Continued
Homily: 18 July 2022: Micah 6:11-4,6-8
(Please read the Scripture passage before the homily.) The Lord put his people on trial. We must be careful. Anytime the Lord sends a prophet, God wants to call them to repentance. In this passage, the Lord had a complaint … Continued
Homily: 17 July 2022: Colossians 1:4-28
Please read the passage before reading the homily. The word Church has two important meanings. It is the totality of those who believe in Christ, that is, the Church universal under the leadership of the Apostles. It is likewise the … Continued
El 17 de julio 2022 (colosenses 1,24-28)
Por favor, lean este pasaje antes. Mis hermanas y hermanos, La palabra “Iglesia” tiene dos grandes significaciones. Es la totalidad de todos los creyentes en Cristo, es decir, la Iglesia universal debajo de los apóstelos. También significa la comunidad local … Continued