HOMILY 16 JANUARY 2022: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11
(Please read the above Scriptural passage before the homily.) If God were a gardener, God would have many beautiful flowers, in many different colors and in many different varieties. God would not plant only one flower in only one color … Continued
El 16 de enero: 1 corintios 12:4-11: Homilía
(Por favor lean este pasaje antes) Mis hermanas y hermanos, Si Dios fuera jardinero, Dios haría creder muchas hermosas flores con muchos colores y muchas variedades. Dios no plantaría una sola flor de una sola clase con un solo color … Continued
Homily: 14 January 2022 1 Samuel 8:4-7, 10-22a
(Please read the Scripture passage before reading the homily.) We want a king, one like all the other nations have. This passage is not about private rights versus public rights; nor is it about vaccine mandates or the availability of … Continued
Homily: 10 January 2022 1 Samuel 1:1-8
(Please read the Scripture passage before reading the homily.) We begin a series of readings from the books of Samuel and Kings, four books once titled 1-4 Kings. In the first two, the prophet Samuel is prominent; in the latter … Continued
Homily: 12 January 2022 1 Samuel 3:1-10, 19-20
(Please read the Scripture passage before reading the homily.) How sad! A revelation from the Lord was infrequent. God had stopped talking to God’s own people. The people must have done something really bad, something like not paying attention to … Continued
HOMILY 9 JANUARY 2022 Acts 10:34-38
(Please read the above Scriptural passage before the homily.) Today we celebrate the mystery of the baptism of the Lord. St Peter was preaching two things in today’s second Reading: (1) that God has no favorites; (2) God anointed Jesus … Continued
El 9 de enero: hechas 10,34-38: Homilía
(Por favor lean este pasaje antes) Mis hermanas y hermanos, Hoy celebramos el misterio del bautismo del Señor. San Pedro predicaba dos cosas en la lectura segunda hoy: (primero) Dios no hace distinción de personas; y (segundo) Dios ungió con … Continued
Homily: 03 January: 1 John 3:22:4:6
(Please read the Scripture passage before reading the homily.) There were problems in John’s religious community. Some had left the community to walk by a different spirit. John had to struggle against this movement. He uses the letter to fight … Continued
Ephesians 3:2-3,5-6
(Please read the above Scriptural passage before the homily.) We celebrate today the mystery of the Epiphany of the Lord. The word Epiphany is a Greek word; it means revelation or manifestation. It is the mystery that God has revealed … Continued
El 2 de enero: efesios 3,2-3a: Homilía
(Por favor lean este pasaje antes) Mis hermanas y hermanos, Hoy celebramos el misterio de la Epifanía del Señor. La palabra epifanía es palabra griega y se dice revelación o bien manifestación. Es misterio que Dios nos reveló es que … Continued