Homily: 29 November: Isaiah 2:1-5

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                           (Please read the scripture passage before reading the homily.) I spent twelve years in ministry in Versailles, Ohio, home of the Versailles High School Tigers.  This year they are in the State finals in football.  Before every football game, … Continued

Homily: 24 November: Luke 21:12-19

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                           (Please read the scripture passage before reading the homily.) Would it not be nice if the risen Lord would speak directly to us?  We have asked, “Why am I here?  What good have I done?   Why does it all … Continued

Homily: 23 November: Luke 21:1-4

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(Please read the scripture passage before reading the homily.) Two small coins are worth more than twenty dollars.  Suppose I drive up in my electric car to the sound of trumpets and make my donation of fifty dollars.  Further suppose … Continued

Homily: 19 November: Luke 19:45-48

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(Please read the scripture passage before reading the homily.) Forty days after the birth of Jesus, his parents brought him to the Temple.  Luke described the event as Jesus entering his Temple to take possession of it for the glory … Continued

Homily: 17 November: Luke 19:11-28

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(Please read the scripture passage before reading the homily.) Herod the great had a reputation.  He had wealth enough to brag about cold coins being a “little amount”, like pocket change.  He was the kind to favor those who could … Continued

Homily: 15 November: Luke 18:35-43

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(Please read the scripture passage before reading the homily.) On his way to Jerusalem, Jesus passed through Jericho.  He met a blind man begging.  The blind man called Jesus the Son of David.  Jesus healed him and the one healed … Continued