15 February 2021: Mark 8:11-13

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Please read the passage before reading the homily Why not ask for a sign?  Why refuse a sign?  It depends, depends on the persons involved.  In the Gospels, the Pharisees were usually classed as opponents of Jesus and they usually … Continued

1 Corintios 10:31-11-1: Homilía

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(Por favor lean este pasaje antes) El 14 de febrero: el sexto domingo de OT: Mis hermanos y hermanas, San Pablo escribió, “Todo lo que hagan ustedes, sea comer, o beber, o cualquier otra cosa, háganlo todo para gloria de … Continued

Homily: 12 February 2021: Mark 7:31-37

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Please read the passage before reading the homily When we hear the word apocalypse or speak of something as apocalyptic, about what do we usually think?  Do images of catastrophic plane crashes, erupting volcanoes, raging flood waters, exploding dams, falling … Continued

5 February 2021: Mark 6:14-29: Homily

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Please read the passage before reading the homily Today we talk about the sandwich, the literary technique that is like a sandwich with similar incidences framing the middle. An example is today’s reading.  The story begins and ends with John’s … Continued

3 February 2021: Mark 6:1-6: Homily

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Please read the passage before reading the homily Jesus grew up in Nazareth.  He apparently had an uneventful childhood, except, perhaps, for one instance when he stayed behind in Jerusalem.  He was not known for doing miraculous things, such as … Continued